Is it a cost per shot or product?
Cost is calculated per photo taken of your product. So, if you have three products and need four photos of each that is a total of 12 photos for that project.

What is the best form of payment?
Credit card or Pay Pal after the quote is approved by you.

How long does this take?
A project timeline typically takes seven working days from receipt of product and full payment.

What file format are the images?
We prefer to deliver high resolution jpg at 2000 x 2000 pixels. If you are in need of a different format, or to have an image silhouetted with clipping paths from the background, let us know and we will factor this into the final invoice.

What about usage rights?
The images are yours to use to all your marketing needs. We do, however, need written permission if there is the intention of resale.

What about copyright?
Princeton Product Photography actually retains copyright of the images, all we ask is that we may use them to help market our services after we turn them over to you.